Labor Saving Techniques

Riverside Community College

Given that a major goal of the course re-design project is to substitute technology "capital" for faculty teaching "labor," in what particular aspects of the course and its delivery are you finding that you are able to do this?

The major capital-for-labor substitutions have occurred in the areas of creating and grading both tests and assignments. A Web-based, interactive program is being used for homework and a computer-based testing program is being used for mid-term exams. Both programs score students’ results so that virtually no time is spent grading. Delivery time has been shortened, allowing an increase in encouraging and monitoring student interaction in the Math Collaboratory setting.

We have had some labor-for-labor substitution occur in the optional facilitator-led workshops that are being conducted to give students the opportunity for more review and practice on lecture topics. Student facilitators conducted weekly review sessions in the latter part of the semester to help students with the more complex topics and to help students prepare for a comprehensive final exam. The facilitators employed are RCC calculus students or students attending local universities who have taken calculus courses.



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