The Buffet Model

The buffet model customizes the learning environment for each student based on background, learning preference, and academic/professional goals and offers students an assortment of individualized paths to reach the same learning outcomes.

The following link includes contact information, a one-page project abstract, a full academic plan, a full cost savings plan, ongoing progress reports and a final outcome report.

* This project description includes links to a full academic plan, a full cost savings plan, a completed Course Planning Tool (CPT), an interim progress report, a final project report and contact information. The final project report describes the impact of the redesign on student learning and student retention; final cost savings achieved; techniques that most contributed to improved learning and reduced costs; and, an assessment of future sustainability.

+ This project description includes an abstract of the full project plan, a final project report and contact information. The final project report describes the impact of the redesign on student learning and student retention; final cost savings achieved; techniques that most contributed to improved learning and reduced costs; and, an assessment of future sustainability.

^ This project description includes an abstract of the full project plan, a summary of the outcomes achieved and contact information.

> This project description includes an abstract of the full project plan, a summary of the outcomes achieved during a pilot implementation and contact information.